由 ARC SYSTEM WORKS 開發的聖騎士之師關《聖騎士之戰~奮戰~》(GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-)在今年 EVO 公開了新參戰角色 「布莉姬特」(Bridget) 後,讓遊戲熱度整個爆衝,戰布v止粉絲之間的莉姬二創繪圖也如雨後春筍般出現,不過日本有一位繪師卻因自己的特創特與二創圖捲入了海外跨性別議題的紛爭,導致作者關閉推特與 pixiv。美圖
https://t.co/1nY2tzVV1t Regardless of your interpretation of Bridget gender,harassing specific artist is wrong. The more harassing specific artist whose interpretation is incompatible with your one,the more the impression of your interpretation is deteriorating. That is for sure. pic.twitter.com/3EYQV3OkFq
you cannot comprehend how hard i screamed its not intentionally vague its loud and clear and of all people to show her that its GOLDLEWIS pic.twitter.com/7kIAOArToH
— hatchling (apoc) (@Marcanthony737) August 8, 2022