Xbox 20/20 是微軟在今年 5 月發動的計畫,不同於官方直播節目「Inside Xbox」,Xbox 20/20 專為次世代主機 Xbox Series X 規劃,自 5 月起至上市為止,每個月都會帶來第一手消息更新。(微軟暫時沒有揭曉 6月場次,下一場不意外會在 7 月舉行,應該)。
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🧨💥🔊 part ✌️ In what will be our second to last #SoundDesignSaturday post, the 343 Audio Team wanted to share more footage from the previous explosion field recording session. A widespread microphone array – paired with multiple types of explosives – provided plenty of options for the team to use in #HaloInfinite. #halo #xbox #343industries #masterchief #sounddesign #fieldrecording