編輯部又要分享ㄎㄧㄤGAME 了。愛爾蘭 DJ Noisestorm 於 3 日在推特公佈將製作第三「蟹」稱射擊遊戲《Crab Champions》,蟹鬥戲確推出日期與平台未定。🦀
話說從頭。遊源愛Noisestorm 曾在 2018 年愚人節首度公開「Crab Rave」,定製的愚特別使用 Unreal Engine 4 製作,作起螃蟹們跳舞的爾蘭動作既流暢又細緻。由於 Noisestorm 之前的人節音樂影片隻有單圖,這個過度用心的玩笑操作也嚇壞所有聽眾,「Crab Rave」成 Noisestorm 點閱率最高的合法 YouTube 影片。
然而這一切都不是蟹鬥戲確玩笑,官方推特於今年愚人節表示,🦀真的遊源愛會推出以「Crab Rave」為中心設計的射擊遊戲《Crab Champions》。而最新一部遊戲預告片也已經公開,定製的愚已知遊戲類型是作起採一對一搶分模式。
So much has changed since the early gameplay seen before: here's a more recent clip. Lots of work to be done still but it's starting to shape up! pic.twitter.com/SEAejvGQ8U— Crab Champions (@CrabChampions) August 2, 2019
So much has changed since the early gameplay seen before: here's a more recent clip. Lots of work to be done still but it's starting to shape up! pic.twitter.com/SEAejvGQ8U
《Crab Champions》推出平台未定,目前僅能得知價錢會是美金 9 元(約新台幣 283 元)。想了解《Crab Champions》遊戲開發最新進度可追蹤官方推特。
Aiming for the launch price to be $9 with continued free updates after launch.— Crab Champions (@CrabChampions) August 2, 2019
Aiming for the launch price to be $9 with continued free updates after launch.
Copyright © 2016 Powered by 合法蟹鬥《Crab Champions》遊戲確定製作,起源是愛爾蘭DJ的愚人節玩笑🦀,詭秘莫測網 sitemap