雖然絕大部份從動視暴雪的暴雪離職員工並非遊戲開發人員,但也有少部份的裁員廠開遊戲設計師,以及在遊戲圈打滾多年的星眾行政資深老手,是職缺招募其他遊戲工作室需要的人才。包含索尼(Sony)遊戲工作室、失業微軟(Mircosoft)、人員EA、動視Turtle Rock、Rockstar、Sony Santa Monica... 在內,皆有許中職缺等待人力填補,相當暖心。
Hey industry friends. We're always looking for talented men and women out there to work at Xbox and on the Mixer team. Check out the Microsoft career site and search "Xbox" or "Mixer" to pull up the many listings. 💙💚 #GameDevJobshttps://t.co/NB69psLMCx
— 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧 (@steinekin) 2019年2月12日
Valve 旗下的 Turtle Rock 也釋出新專案職缺,自從《惡靈進化》(Evolve)失敗後,他們也希望能東山再起。
We're so sorry to hear about those affected by the #Activision #Blizzard layoffs today. We have some positions open and are looking to add many more in the near future to help us with our exciting new project. Hit us up! https://t.co/Ts8N4nP1ob#gamedev #gamejobs #gamedevjobs pic.twitter.com/PzonFRuidB
— Turtle Rock Studios (@TurtleRock) 2019年2月12日
去年以《戰神》拿下遊戲大賞的 Santa Monica 工作室也在招人。
I know several team members at @SonySantaMonica have already chimed in, but in the unlikely event you follow me and *not* @corybarlog (highly unlikely), please reach out if you've been affected by the #ActivisionBlizzard layoffs. We're hiring #GameDevJobs. https://t.co/uOzgqKykH4
— Matt Sophos (@mattsophos) 2019年2月13日
《俠盜獵車手》、《碧血狂殺》係列聞名的「R 星」也加入伸援行列。
My heart goes out to our industry friends today. When the dust settles and you're ready to look ahead, maybe we can help... #GameDevJobs #gamedev https://t.co/KYMoYjYoJM
— Jim Jagger (@JimJagger) 2019年2月12日
美商藝電(Electronic Arts、EA)釋出大量職缺,從行政到遊戲開發人員等職缺皆有。
For those affected by the Activision Blizzard layoffs, we have openings across EA in a number of different positions. #gamejobs #gamedevjobs https://t.co/WxwppXFKGR pic.twitter.com/qgDhySFIjM
— Ben Walke (@BenWalke) 2019年2月12日
開發《蝙蝠俠:阿卡漢》係列的華納兄弟遊戲蒙特利爾工作室(WB Games Montreal)也在召募人才中。
My heart goes out to everyone at Blizzard/Activision affected by the layoffs.
To those looking for a new job, WB Games Montreal is hiring. https://t.co/sWnurR1FdN
If you're considering moving to Montreal, I'll gladly answer any questions about the local industry. #gamedevjobs
— ✨❄️ Ann Lemay ❄️✨ (@annlemay) 2019年2月13日
Epic Games 一口氣釋出 200 多個職缺,同樣包含行政到遊戲開發項目皆有。
Epic Games is looking for almost 200 new employees, from development to admin and beyond.
以《地獄之刃:賽奴雅的獻祭》獲得無數讚譽的英國獨立工作室 Ninja Theory 也不落人後,就連《深海迷航》(Subnautica)的 Unknow World 也期望能幫上一點忙。
Ninja Theory are now hiring for a dynamic and experienced Senior Product Manager to join the wider commercial team. Apply here: https://t.co/lpG5iLbrjG#gamejobs #gamedevjobs pic.twitter.com/udqOcYMzzJ
— NinjaTheory (@NinjaTheory) 2019年2月8日
Hey @Blizzard_Ent #Blizzard #ActivisionBlizzard people - sorry about what's going on 😢 we're hiring at @UWEDev for @Subnautica Below Zero & future projects! 🕹🎮 Work from anywhere, or in the office in San Francisco! Apply at https://t.co/kaq63HZKuD #gamedev #gamedevjobs
— Obraxis (@obraxis) 2019年2月12日
麵對外界如此廣大的善意,也有熱心網友將海外所有大廠的招募職缺統整成 Google 文件,方便讓推友們轉發,幫助更多失業的遊戲業員工。
If you were affected by the Activision Blizzard layoffs, here is an amazing list of game studios and career pages created by @MitchyD and @simplyundrea: #ActivisionBlizzard #GameJobs #GameDevJobshttps://t.co/is77RKELao